How Much Deposit Do I Need To Put Down?

Oct 3, 2019 | News From LMC | 0 comments

The one question we are guaranteed to be asked every day is ‘how much deposit do I need to put down?’. 

So you’ve fallen in love with a car and it’s yours for the taking… but you have no deposit to put down. Here at LMC we offer 0% deposit finance to make things that bit easier when you haven’t got the cash. This means you really can leave as a proud owner without having to hand over a penny upfront. 

If, however, you can’t get down to us just yet and have seen one of our vehicles online you are more than welcome to leave a deposit through our website. To leave a deposit online we ask for £200, as standard, to take the car off sale, which is completely refundable. 

For more information please speak to one of our team on 01708 863247 or visit us in showroom today!