Cars for families

Dec 30, 2020 | The Hub | 0 comments

If you are looking for a family car, then the team at LMC would love to help. We work with people and families of all different backgrounds and, with decades of experience, we know a thing or two about buying a family car. Now, everyone is different but we have put together some things to consider if you are looking for a family car… 


How many humans need to be bundled into the car? Whether there are two, four, or six, we will be able to help but it is important to know how many you need to cater for before we start the search. You might be looking for an every day car or a people carrier might be more up your street. Think about the size first and then we can go from there.


The size is sorted, now onto the purpose. Obviously we know you will be travelling in the car but if you think about what it will be used for, that will guide us in the right direction… From commuting to football practice and everything else in between, that leads us on to our next point.


Does your car need to cater for weekends away, trips to the zoo or maybe to the beach? It is easy to plan for everyday life but we often see people forgetting to plan for the fun stuff too! Make a note of where you usually go or where you plan on heading so you can factor that into your automotive plans.

Family proof 

Drips, spills, crumbs, we know it is all inevitable. That is why it is a good idea to look for cars that can cope with all of this and more. Practical doesn’t have to mean lacking in style so let us know what you’re looking for and we will do the searching.

If you are in the market for a family car, get in touch with the team at LMC and we will do everything we can to help.