Buying your used car online

Jun 22, 2021 | The Hub | 0 comments

Looking to buy a car online? Here are the things you need to know before you start your search, and hopefully they will make the process a little smoother and a little easier for you.

Over the past year or so, the whole retail landscape has changed dramatically, with more people shopping online than ever, that moved through to the car market as well.

Now, there are so many ways you can buy a car, and buying online is just one of them, but you do have to be a little wary and make sure to make the necessary checks before completing your purchase.

Is the dealership reputable?

Make sure you do your research and check whether or not the dealership is legitimate. From online reviews to checking socials as well, you want to build up a picture of trust before you head to make the purchase.

Have you don’t your research?

Do your research on the car you are considering and make sure you have priced checked it too so you know you are getting a good deal on the car.

Do you know what you are entitled to?

Can the way you are buying a car be classed as a distance sale? If it can then you have upto 14 days to change your mind, but make sure that your sale qualifies as this and ask about your rights and the dealership’s policies before you commit to buying.

Are you 100% sure of the car?

Don’t rush into anything and make sure you are 100% sure you want that car in particular before setting up the sale.

If you are considering buying a used car online, make sure you have run through all of these tips and if you need anything at all please get in touch. At LMC, we are used car specialists and can help you find the right motor, whether that be online or in person.