Electric Cars to Be Known as Cars By 2030

Sep 17, 2019 | Motoring News | 0 comments

More than two thirds of people expect electric cars to be simply known as ‘cars’ by 2030, a new survey suggests. The poll also indicated that 33 per cent believe seeing their family and friends driving electrical vehicles changes the way people perceive the technology. 

Go Ultra Low, the Government-backed electric car awareness campaign, commissioned the survey of 2,000 adults.

The research shows that as we become more aware of the benefits of owning an electric car, the choice of models available and the rapidly growing charging infrastructure.

These cars now hold a one per cent share of the new car market.

However, this is due to increase at a rapid rate over the coming years as more plug-in models become available, all with longer driving ranges and shorter charging times.

And motorists will have little choice to own one from 2040, as the government plans to ban the sale of all new petrol and diesel vehicles from beyond this deadline.